How Big is Alaska? Mind-Blowing Dimensions and Comparisons

Alaska is often associated with vast wilder ness, stunning lands capes, and frigid temperatures, but its sheer size is what truly sets it apart. Many people don’t realize just how enormous Alaska is compared to the rest of the United States and even entire countries. In this article, we will explore the mind-blowing dimensions and how big is Alaska, compare it to other places, and uncover some fascinating facts about the largest U.S. state.

How Big is Alaska?

How Big is Alaska

Total Land Area and Geography

Alaska covers approximately 663,267 square miles (1.7 million square kilometers), making it by far the largest state in the U.S. To put this into perspective:

  • It is more than twice the size of Texas, the second-largest U.S. state (Texas is about 268,597 square miles).
  • It is larger than the combined area of the next three biggest states Texas, California, and Montana.
  • Alaska makes up about 17% of the total land area of the United States.

Comparison with Countries

  • Alaska’s immense size is not just impressive in the U.S.; it also stacks up against entire countries:
  • If Alaska were a country, it would be the 18th largest in the world, bigger than France, Germany, and Spain combined.
  • It is larger than the United Kingdom (94,000 sq. mi.) more than seven times over.
  • Alaska is almost twice the size of Turkey (302,000 sq. mi.) and roughly the same size as Iran (636,000 sq. mi.).

Alaska vs. the Lower 48: Surprising Overlays

One of the best ways to grasp the scale of Alaska is by overlaying it on maps of the continental United States:

  • If placed over the U.S., Alaska would stretch from the West Coast to the East Coast, covering from California to Florida.
  • It could easily encompass multiple states at once, from Texas to Montana.
  • If superimposed over Europe, Alaska would span from Portugal to Ukraine.

How Long Does It Take to Travel Across Alaska?

Given its vast size, traveling across Alaska can take a considerable amount of time:

  • Driving from Anchorage (south-central) to Utqiaġvik (the northern most city) covers over 800 miles and takes more than 14 hours by car (weather permitting).
  • Flying from Anchorage to Juneau, the state capital, takes about 2 hours, which is equivalent to flying from Los Angeles to Denver.
  • The Alaska Highway, spanning 1,390 miles, connects the state to Canada and the Lower 48, taking several days to traverse by car.

Population Density: A Vast Land with Few People

Despite its massive size, Alaska has a relatively small population:

  • The state’s population is around 730,000 people, making it the third least populated U.S. state.
  • The population density is just 1.3 people per square mile, compared to 93 people per square mile in the rest of the U.S..
  • Nearly half of Alaska’s population lives in Anchorage.

Unique Time Zones and Climate Variations

Alaska spans multiple time zones and diverse climate regions:

The state officially follows Alaska Standard Time (AKST), but if divided by longitude, it would stretch over four time zones.

  • The weather varies drastically: while Southeast Alaska has a temperate rainforest climate, the Arctic region experiences months of continuous darkness in winter and daylight in summer.

Alaska’s Coastline: The Longest in the U.S.

Another mind-blowing fact about Alaska is its coastline:

  • Alaska’s coastline is over 6,640 miles long, longer than the entire coastline of the Lower 48 states combined!
  • When including all its islands, the total jumps to more than 33,900 miles.
  • Alaska has more than 3 million lakes and 100,000 glaciers, covering about 5% of the state.

Wildlife and Natural Wonders

Alaska’s size contributes to its incredible biodiversity:

  • The state is home to over 30,000 grizzly bears, which is more than the entire Lower 48 combined.
  • The Denali National Park, home to North America’s tallest peak (Denali at 20,310 feet), is larger than Massachusetts.
  • Alaska has the largest national forest in the U.S., the Tongass National Forest, covering almost 17 million acres.


Alaska is not just another U.S. state it is a land of extremes and superlatives. Its enormous land area, jaw-dropping comparisons to other places, and breathtaking natural beauty make it one of the most unique regions in the world. Whether considering its coastline, wildlife, or sheer geographic scale, Alaska’s vastness is truly mind-blowing.

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