10 Things That Are Approximately 80 Feet Long

10 Things That Are Approximately 80 Feet Long

A tape measure or estimating device never quite captures the immense dimensions of 80 feet long. My search to realize and visualize this space has taken me through a host of manifest monuments, stories of skyscrapers, landscapes–each within an approximate same dimension of length. To provide a scale, visualize an eight-story building—this is the approximate … Read more

14 Common things That are 6 Inches long

14 Common things That are 6 Inches long

Have you ever wondered how long 6 inches really is? Whether you’re trying to measure something for a project, visualize a specific length, or simply satisfy your curiosity, understanding what objects are 6 inches long can be surprisingly helpful. In this article, we’ll explore 14 common items that are exactly or approximately 6 inches long. … Read more